
logo_Lianyungang Soda Ash Co.,Ltd.



Support Hotline


二維碼_Lianyungang Soda Ash Co.,Ltd.


Contact us

Tel: +86-518-86088888
Fax: +86-518-82311440
Sales: +86-518-86088263 , 86088639
Foreign trade: +86-518-86088626
Fax: +86-518-82311262

Corporate logo m.goldenlayeggs.com

Symbolic pattern is composed of Lianyungang Soda Ash Co., Ltd. in the first letter "LJ" rotation into two identical letters "C". The entire graphics bright in color, with a strong dynamic, full of vigor and vitality, its opening and closing morphological mapping out the mutual exchange and communication between the enterprise and the customer, the enterprise staff, whole process, personalized service, implementing win-win marketing strategy, based on domestic, to the world, to create first-class enterprise development goals reflected.

Red Represents the sun, symbolizing the people even One's fighting spirit soars aloft. soda alkali, such as a red sun rose slowly from the sea.

Bule “L” Representative coastal city of Lianyungang, show the enterprise location and geographical features, Lianyungang Soda Ash Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Haizhou bay;

Green “J” On behalf of Lianyungang Soda is a garden style factory, pay attention to environmental protection, the production of green products, fully embodies the people-oriented enterprises, “ to challenge the limits, the pursuit of the perfect ” the spirit of enterprise, meaning the enterprise full of vigor and vitality, the implementation of sustainable development strategy.

Bule “L” and Green “J” Around the white “S” Soda ash English initials, embodies the characteristics of the industry enterprises and the characteristics of the product; at the same time, meant to Lianyungang Soda Market Based on the Yangtze River Delta region, expand to overseas markets.


英德市| 麻栗坡县| 峨眉山市| 宜宾县| 江孜县| 水城县| 大余县| 广东省| 南丰县| 昌平区| 沁源县| 婺源县| 文安县| 内丘县| 北碚区| 郸城县| 资溪县| 美姑县| 秦皇岛市| 怀宁县| 潞城市| 灵丘县| 武清区| 泌阳县| 临桂县| 通化市| 安陆市| 柳林县| 浪卡子县| 新邵县| 涡阳县| 四会市| 武定县| 河源市| 阳信县| 乌拉特中旗| 于都县| 兴安县| 毕节市| 仁寿县| 冕宁县|